The ONE Thing Every Bride Should Do Before Getting Married

28 June 2019 - Written By dev

Most people, in the lead up to their wedding, do a lot of work on themselves. And by that, I mean they hire a personal trainer, flog the shit out of their bodies and go on crazy-restrictive fad diets. But not me.

As soon as I was engaged, I knew I wanted to get myself in shape, but not that sort of shape. I wanted to pump up my inner work, to make sure that when I was walking down that aisle, I was in the best possible spiritual and energetic place I could be.

So, being the total wellness nerd that I am, I committed to seeing an amazing energetic body worker (that title doesn’t even do him justice) named Abrar. He worked with me on releasing my emotional blockages, my leftover baggage, and any lingering beliefs that were weighing me down. So basically, anything that was keeping me stuck in the past and not in the here and now.

I have been doing a lot of work on myself for years now, and have let go of loads of crap already. But I’m not perfect, and it’s always an ongoing process. So I really wanted to delve deeper and make sure that I wasn’t unwittingly bringing any of my old crap into my marriage.

And I’m so glad I did.

Some of the stuff we released, I didn’t even know was there. Generations and generations of pain, hurt and anxiety were lodged deep in my body and energy fields, and I wasn’t even aware of it. Every session was painful yet ecstatic at the same time. I saw Abrar every two weeks in the lead up to the Big Day, and he commented how every time he saw me, my body was opening up more and more.

With each session, I felt myself being pulled apart, cracked open and stripped bare. And each time, a little more pain was released, making space for a little more sacred light to filter in.

My body responded well to the work, and I could really feel the difference. It was like my energy had made a tangible shift and my whole being was lighter and yet more grounded at the same time. In the week before my wedding, at our final session, Abrar said ‘you’re ready to go get married now’.

“Doing the inner work is essential for happiness and health.”

When you enter a new phase of your life – whether it’s a new relationship, a new job, marriage, whatever – it’s so important that you are free from the shackles of your past. There is no point dragging your outdated junk into this beautiful, fresh, new chapter. That is only going to hold you back and keep you repeating the same old cycles, again and again.

But the problem is, we’re not always aware that we’re even doing it. I see it all the time with my clients and friends, where they keep dragging the same old stuff into each new phase, and then reliving the same old patterns, over and over.

 Why do we do it? 

Because it’s easier than looking at our stuff. Because it’s easier than doing the work. Because it’s easier than taking responsibility.

But you know what?

“It’s not until you free yourself from your baggage that you can truly start to live.”

So how can you let go of all that stuff? 

It’s quite simple, actually. All you have to do is be present.

When you are present, nothing else exists. There’s no past holding you back, no future to worry about, just the infinite potential of the moment.

But of course, there’s a major obstacle on the path to presence – your Mean Girl. She does not want you to be living in the moment because she has no power over you there. So she’ll do her very best to pull you out of it by swirling a million thoughts through your head and making up a billion reasons why you should be doing something else instead.

This is completely normal and doesn’t mean that you’re weak or have no willpower. When you hear her voice in your head, simply take a deep breath, ignore her excuses, and gently but firmly let her know that you are choosing to be present.

“Releasing limiting baggage can have amazing flow-on effects in all areas of your life.”

I have had the pleasure of witnessing many women release their past and free themselves from years of pain, and as a mega bonus, releasing loads of weight at the same time. Not because they were flogging their bodies, but because excess weight is stored emotions that we are holding on to. Once we let go of the past and unhitch the baggage, the weight simply falls off. And this was no different for me. Whilst losing weight was not my goal, I walked down the aisle the best I’ve ever felt because I literally left my baggage at the door, no personal trainer needed. The only muscle I needed to flex was my self love muscle.

Full Article:

Ambrosini, M. (n.d.). The one thing every bride should do before getting married. Retrieved from