Making More Room For The Now

17 March 2019 - Written By dylan

With more and more distractions it’s becoming a larger challenge each day to stay focused on the now. Here are a few secrets that will help you declutter your life.

Step One: Know what decluttering is. Decluttering starts with shifting your mindset. You can do this by only keeping what you use and not falling into the trappings of filling your life with more stuff. Practice by challenging yourself not to buy anything (other than the essentials such as groceries and petrol, of course) for a month. Reset your mindset throughout the challenge and see how much clarity will come from the experience. By having less, you’ll honestly feel like you don’t need more.

Step Two: Only keep what you use. Decluttering isn’t about throwing away all the things, it’s about keeping what you use. Look around your space at home and donate everything that doesn’t serve a purpose. Only keep what you use and need. Do you really need all those dresses? Do you really need all those pots and pans? Do you really need all those books? Absolutely not. 

Step Three: Know what you like. Stick with what you like. If you do this, you won’t get sucked into filling your life with more. Don’t buy magazines, don’t get sucked into the latest trends. Instead stick with the basics and essentials – all the things you like because you chose to, not because someone else told you to.

Step Four: Single tasking. Manage your time better by doing one task at a time. Gone are the days of multi-tasking – it’s not practical and it leaves your mind scattered. Start small by single tasking in small amounts of time. Start with 15 minutes then work your way up to an hour. 

Step Five: Get rid of the tech. Use to unsubscribe from email newsletters en masse, give the apps on your phone a spring clean by deleting any you haven’t used in the last two months, delete notifications off your phone and only check emails in the morning and afternoon. 

Step Six: Get organised. The key to decluttering your life is to get organised and stay organised. Introduce a few systems and processes that will help you stay organised. It can be as simple as labelling your pantry condiments in glass mason jars, keeping surfaces clutter free and organising your wardrobe efficiently. 


Source: Giles, J. (n. d.). New Year, New You! Let’s Talk About Decluttering Your Life, Getting Organised, & Making More Room For The Now. Retrieved from