How To Have Authentic Relationships

10 June 2019 - Written By dev

I love nothing more than people speaking their truth. None of this beating around the bush, pretending everything is rosy and walking on egg shells. Just say it how it is, Goddamnit!

We beat around the bush because we are so scared of being rejected by others. We will manipulate situations in order to feel loved, accepted, and approved of; the ultimate desires of human beings. In fact, we humans will do anything to feel the big three — love, acceptance, and approval — even suppress our own truth. Crazy, huh?!

Last week, I had a few different situations come up with some girlfriends. We all called each other on our stuff. Yes, it can feel scary and uncomfortable. But what’s more uncomfortable is suppressing your own truth.

One of my besties called me yesterday and said, “Mel, I felt sad when you said blah blah blah….” After we had an open dialogue about it, we resolved the misunderstanding, and I shared with her how proud of her I was for actually coming to me and sharing how she felt. I know it’s not easy.

But the thing is, I want authentic relationships in my life. None of this fake stuff! I want the real deal. So, if that means speaking my truth and sharing how I feel, then so be it.

When something comes up for me, I speak it straight away. I used to suppress it and let it boil up inside me for weeks, months, even years. I now believe that is how illness and disease manifest in the body. So, no more of that, thank you!

If you want authentic relationships in your life, try these steps next time you find yourself in a situation where you are about to suppress your truth

  • Take a few deep breaths.
  • Open your chest and shoulders.
  • Ground both your feet firmly into the earth.
  • Connect with your solar plexus and speak from your heart. If you notice yourself going up to your head, don’t speak. Reground yourself. Make sure you are completely grounded before you open your mouth. That way, everything you say will be coming from your heart and not your head (aka your Mean Girl).

 Check in with yourself now. Do you have authentic relationships in your life? Or are there a few that, quite frankly, stink?

Full Article:

Ambrosini, M. (n.d.). How to have authentic relationships. Retrieved from