How Much Are Australians Spending On Coffee?

14 June 2019 - Written By dev

Having a cup of coffee in the morning is a daily ritual for most Australians but how much is it costing you?

Square Inc, an online financial service, has crunched the numbers on how much coffee Queenslanders are consuming, their favourite brews and how much they’re spending in comparison to other states.

The data came from millions of transactions made at thousands of coffee shops across Australia between June 2017 and June 2018 – opening the lid to what we are spending.

From a price point of view, the 2018 Square Australian Coffee Report revealed coffee drinkers in the Northern Territory were spending an average of $1 per beverage than consumers in New South Wales.

Prices on all beverages were up only a few cents from 2017, with Australians continuing to spend more on sweeter flavours including mocha and chai. The cheapest coffee in each Australian state was the traditional long black – the only coffee that cost less than $4.

The most popular coffee order across the country was a latte which was priced at an average of $4.39 per cup in Queensland.

Queenslanders who spoil themselves to a daily latte could be paying up to $30.73 a week or $1,602.35 a year. Keep in mind that this doesn’t include a 3pm pick-me-up mocha or a spontaneous extra shot.

Dr Emma Felton, a Senior Lecturer from Queensland University of Technology and author of Filtered: Coffee, the Café and the 21st Century City said the growth in coffee shops in Australia sparked her research.

“I’d noticed a massive increase in cafes in my inner-city Brisbane neighbourhood from about six to more than 40 in ten years,” Dr Felton said.

“Coffee consumption has been growing at around 5% per annum in Australia, but I don’t think this figure reflects the number of cafes established in the last decade or so.

“Cafes are the largest segment of the hospitality industry and more than 85% of cafes in Australia are independently owned.”

Dr Felton said Australians are getting value for money when we pay for a cup of coffee compared to other countries she has travelled to. 

“It’s much more expensive in some other countries such as Japan, China, Norway and Denmark,” Dr Felton said.

Full Article:

Marsh, S. (n.d.). How much are Australians spending on coffee. Retrieved from