Here’s How to Save Money for Travelling

21 March 2019 - Written By dylan

Source: Dawson, K. (2019, February 4). Here’s how to save money for travelling because we know the wanderlust is real. Retrieved from


With so many highlight reels strewn across social media it can be hard to stay level headed while planning a holiday, we cover some tips to bring the cost down of your next jaunt across the seas.

Employ a Savings Mentality

“Don’t set a budget of $2000, scrimp and save to get there, and then start spending indiscriminately on a trip because you have a couple thousand bucks set aside,” he says. “It’s all your money, regardless of what it’s budgeted for. If you spend reasonably rather than lavishly, you’ll be able to take two trips with that $2000 rather than one.”

Fly to Sale Destinations

“Don’t spend $1200 on flights to Europe just because that’s the price Expedia gave you on the day you searched,” Keyes continues. “Instead, be flexible on your cities, and fly to whichever place is on sale. Flights to Paris are sometimes cheaper than flights to Rome, for instance, but sometimes they’re more expensive. Similarly, don’t lock your dates in stone and then find airfare to fit them—more flexibility on dates gives you much a greater chance of finding cheap flights.”

Be Smart When Booking Accommodation

“Airbnb is a great way to get cheaper accommodations in central parts of a city,” he says. “And if you’re going the hotel route, be sure to check the rate when booking directly on a hotel’s site rather than through a hotel search engine because often times it’s cheaper.”

Sign Up for a Free Walking Tour

“They’re ‘free’ in name only, as you’re expected to tip, but a standard tip of $10 per person or so for a two-hour walking tour is far cheaper than other formal tour options,” he adds. “Plus, it’s a great way to orient yourself to a city once you’ve arrived and have any initial questions answered.”

Eat Meals From Grocery Stores

“Eating out for every meal while on the road can add up quickly,” Keyes says. “Instead, I like popping into a local grocery store for a simple and easy breakfast or lunch.”

Don’t be Loyal to Airlines

“For most people, I actually strongly recommend against being loyal to any one airline,” he says. “The entire notion of loyalty to an airline means you’re willing to spend more money to fly with it than others. Instead, be loyal to your own money. Be loyal to a deal. Be loyal to cheap flights, whether they’re on Delta or Lufthansa or British Airways.”

Be Patient When Booking Flights

“Airfare is both irrational and unpredictable, so don’t stress if it seems like it doesn’t make much sense to you why a flight price is very different yesterday than what’s available today,” he says. Instead, just be patient with when you book and flexible about where you go in order to spend way less on flights.